
10月18日珞珈讲坛 Howard Alper 院士

信息来源:研究生教学 时间:2017-10-16 浏览次数:

时 间:2017年10月18日下午15:00

地 点:bat365在线平台官网登录樱顶老图书馆

主讲人:Howard Alper 加拿大皇家科学院院士

题 目:Leadership in Building Successful Societies: Setting University and National Research Priorities


Howard Alper 教授是加拿大皇家科学院院士,渥太华大学的著名化学教授,曾任三届加拿大联邦政府科学、技术与创新委员会主席,两届加拿大皇家学会会长,渥太华大学副校长等职。他长期从事制药和石化领域的基础研究,发现了多种均相催化、异相催化以及相转移催化的新型反应,并成功将手性配体运用到金属催化的环加成、羰基化反应中,他合成了多种具有很好药物活性的产品,如Ibuprofen 等。先后发表了550余篇论文,拥有47 项发明专利,编辑出版了多本专著。

Howard Alper 教授学术造诣高超,曾荣获加拿大所有的化学奖,包括2004年的蒙特利尔勋章。2000年,加拿大总督授予他科学与工程界的第一块哈德•赫兹伯格金牌(Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal);2001年,Alper 教授获得了渥太华研究与创新中心授予的President’s Award, 并于同年获得了渥太华生命科学理事会授予的国家优秀奖。此外,加拿大化工研究所、韩国科学技术研究院和日本化学会分别授予Howard Alper 教授荣誉院士奖、杰出讲座教授奖和名誉外籍院士奖(也是该奖项首次授予非日本籍教授)。

Howard Alper 教授致力于推动国际学术交流,崇尚多元文化融合。他是欧洲艺术与文理学院和发展中国家科学院院院士,2002年荣获法国国家勋章(National Order of Merit)、2012年荣获英国女王伊丽莎白钻石奖章(the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medal)、2014年荣获意大利共和国勋章(Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic)。他2001年当选为总部设在比利时布鲁塞尔的国际知识经济网络顾问委员会主席。

Brief Introduction of Professor Howard Alper

Howard Alper is currently spearheading the initiative by the Governor General of Canada (Head of State) to enhance global recognition for Canadian research excellence. He is Chair of the Canvassing Committee for the initiative. He is also Distinguished University Professor at the University of Ottawa. The basic research Alper has been pursuing spans organic and inorganic chemistry, with potential applications in the pharmaceutical, petrochemical, and commodity chemical industries.

He received a Bachelor of Science from Sir George Williams University in 1963 and a Ph.D. from McGill University in 1967.In 1968, he started teaching at the State University of New York and became an Associate Professor in 1971. He joined the University of Ottawa in 1975 as an Associate Professor and was appointed a Professor in 1978, later being made a Distinguished University Professor in 2006.He was the Vice-President (Research) of the University of Ottawa from 1997–2006. From 2001 to 2003, he was the President of the Royal Society of Canada.

In 2000, the Governor General of Canada presented him with the first Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal in Science and Engineering. The following year, he was given the National Merit Award for contributions to the Life Sciences. In 2002, he received the Le Sueur Memorial Award of the Society of Chemical Industry (U.K.). In 2004, he was made an Honorary Fellow of the Chemical Research Society of India, in 2006, an Honorary Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada, and in March 2013, was made an Honorary Foreign Member of the Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ), the first Canadian ever to be so honoured by the CSJ. He was also elected as a Honorary Member of the Colombian Academy of Sciences in 2011, and of the Mexican Academy of Sciences in 2009.
