报告题目:Bio-engineering Application Spanning Health and Environment
报 告 人:Professor Blaine Pfeifer (State University of New York, Buffalo, USA)
邀 请 人:刘天罡教授
报告人简介:Blaine Pfeifer教授,1997年毕业于科罗拉多州立大学,随后加入斯坦福大学Chaitan Khosla教授课题组,于2002年获得博士学位。2002-2004年在麻省理工Robert Langer课题组进行博士后研究。2004年至2017年,先后于塔夫茨大学和纽约州立大学布法罗分校任助理教授和副教授,现任纽约州立大学布法罗分校教授和中国海洋大学客座讲授。为国际学术杂志Metabolic Egineering,Molecular Pharmaceutics等编委;美国化学会、美国化学工程师学会成员;先后在Science,PNAS,Current Opinion in Biotechnology,Metabolic Engineering等国际专业顶级杂志发表多篇研究论文。Pfeifer教授一直从事微生物代谢工程研究。首次实现了天然抗生素红霉素分子以及抗肿瘤植物药紫杉醇的异源生物合成;成功将紫杉醇关键前体物taxadiene的产量提高到1克每升,相关成果分别于2001年和2010年在Science正刊发表,受到国际学术界广泛关注,奠定了聚酮类以及二萜类药物异源生物合成新领域的研究基础。近五年来致力于天然产物活性分子的异源生物合成以及药物控制释放研究,开发了新型大肠杆菌-阳离子聚合物复合材料,以及铁呋啉-磷脂双分子纳米胶囊,在智能疫苗设计和药物靶向运输领域具有巨大的应用潜力。
报告摘要:This presentation will feature the use of biological engineering to support research goals that span natural product biosynthesis (for antibiotic discovery and water treatment) and vaccine design and delivery (directed at pneumococcal disease). The following figure depicts the research applications that will be discussed. Specifically, as a heterologous host for complex natural product biosynthesis, Escherichia coli has been the heterologous production route for the complex natural products erythromycin (an antibiotic) and yersiniabactin (a siderophore). The production platform for erythromycin has been engineered for molecular diversity with the associated goal of generating variation in final bioactivity. Similarly, E. coli has been engineered to produce yersiniabactin, a natural product with a propensity for iron sequestration. Using this platform, the yersiniabactin product has been re-purposed for metal removal and recovery from aqueous streams. A final application features bacterial-based and liposomal vectors as antigen delivery vehicles in the context of vaccine design. Here, scientific and engineering insight is applied to direct and enhance the resulting immune response, and complete protection data has been collected from animal immunization-challenge assays using pneumococcal disease as an initial indication.