报告题目:"ABC: a platform dedicated to discovering the antibacterials of tomorrow",
报 告 人:Raphaël E. DUVAL 教授,洛林大学bat365在线平台官网登录院长
PharmD. in “Microbiology”, Université de Lorraine, France, 2018.
HDR (Habilitation), in “Infectiology”, Nancy-University, France, 2010.
PhD. in “Virology, Cellular Biology & Biochemistry”, University of Limoges, France, 2003.
MSc. in “Cellular Biology, Structural Biology & Microbiology”, University of Luminy, Marseille, France, 1997.
Professor in Clinical Microbiology, Université de Lorraine, since September 1st 2012.
Associate Professor in Microbiology, Nancy-University, 2010-2012.
Assistant Professor in Microbiology, Nancy-University, 2004-2010.
Post Doc, EA, 1772, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Caen Basse-Normandie, 2004.
Post Doc, EA 1085, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Limoges, 2001-2003.
Member of the American Society for Microbiology, the French Society for Microbiology.
Honours and awards
ICAAC Infectious Disease Fellows Grant Program, ICAAC, Boston, 2010.
George McCracken Infectious Disease Fellows Grant, ICAAC, Chicago, 2011.
ASM Infectious Disease Fellow Travel Grant, ICAAC, San Francisco, 2012.
ICAAC Infectious Diseases Fellows Grant Program, ICAAC, Denver, 2013.
George McCracken Infectious Disease Fellows Grant, ICAAC, San Diego, September 2015.
Laureate of « Grand Prix de La Recherche, Prix aux Laboratoires Universitaires » de la Société Industrielle de l’Est, Nancy, October 2012.
Research areas
Research and Development of new anti-infective agents (antibacterials, antivirals…).
Scientific contribution
63 publications, 3 book chapters, 14 proceedings, 5 patents, 4 conferences, 61 international and 64 national communications.